Course Title:

Mastering Communication, Negotiation and Presentation Skills

Course ID:

290724 0101 2700ESH

Course Dates :




Course Duration :


Course Location:


United Kingdom

Course Fees GBP £ :

Primary Price


VAT may vary depending on the country where the course or workshop is held

Course Fees USD $:

Advisory Price


VAT may vary depending on the country where the course or workshop is held

Course Category:

Professional and CPD Training Programs

Project Management

Course Certified By:

* Professional Training and CPD Programs
Leading to : Executive Diploma Certificate
Leading to : Executive Mini Masters Certificate
Leading to : Executive Masters Certificate

* LondonUni - Executive Management Training
* Others

United Kingdom

Secure Your Place

Please Note : Your £250.00 Deposit will be deducted from the total invoice Amount.
To commence the registration process for your training course, please follow the link provided and proceed with; Upon successful payment, we will promptly contact you to finalize your enrollment and issue a confirmation of your guaranteed placement.

Course Information


This course emphasis on the most important three managerial skills needed to professionals.

First managerial skill is Communication :
As Many people encounter problems interacting in environments that are culturally different from their own.
Everyone has preferences regarding interpersonal interactions, and these may vary from culture to culture as well as from individual to individual.

One important dimension of culture is context, which ranges from high context, (collectivism) to low context (individualism).

The Cross-Cultural Interactive Preference (CCIP) Profile measures an individual’s preferences for level of context as well as his or her ability to interact effectively across contexts.

This profile comprises the following factors: socialization of information, socialization of people, spatial orientation, and time orientation.

As a result of understanding his or her own preferences, a person can become more aware of the role that context plays in individual and group interactions.

Second managerial skill is Negotiation. Like it or not, you are a negotiator.

Negotiation is a fact of life Everyone negotiates something every day.

People negotiate even when they don't think of themselves as doing so.

Third managerial skill is Presentation skills is one of the most important skills needed for managerial levels, Marketing and company representative, unfortunately it is scarce due to the lack of training in Most educational grades.


By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
* Refresh their knowledge about communication
* Alleviate their interpersonal communication skills
* Have a good command of communicating a cross cultures
* Master the four Cultural Dimension of Negotiation
* Establish an effective Planned approach to over added the Value Gained
* Master how to win when they have all the power
* Follow up Sequence of How to Extend your Circle of Influence
* Develop Your BATNA to Seek Control
* Establish an effective Plan for commitment
* Master the Art of Fighting and Confrontation
* Learning how to View the Process of Negotiation
* Assess your Individual Strength and self Support in the Negotiation process based on The Gestalt
* Recognize your Arrival right to be Successful
* Avoid taking responsibility for the Other person\s Feeling or Actions
* Find the Balance between Cooperation and fighting
* Achieve flexibility to win
* Explore and apply specific tools to enhance presentation skills effectiveness,
* Do presentation project and being evaluated in this regard

Who Should Attend?

* Middle and senior managers from the private, public, and nonprofit sectors are welcome.
* Executives at all levels can benefit from the program.
* More experienced managers can test their existing decision processes, and newer managers can earn to structure their approach to business decisions.
* Anyone who wants to push his or her own leadership development in new directions or develop good leadership skills can benefit.
* The Nominees for this course is all employees of all departments, preferably:
* * All heads and mangers of Department
* * All Section Head

Training Method

• Pre-assessment
• Live group instruction
• Use of real-world examples, case studies and exercises
• Interactive participation and discussion
• Power point presentation, LCD and flip chart
• Group activities and tests
• Each participant receives a 7” Tablet containing a copy of the presentation, slides and handouts
• Post-assessment

Program Support

This program is supported by:
* Interactive discussions
* Role-play
* Case studies and highlight the techniques available to the participants.

Daily Agenda

The course agenda will be as follows:
• Technical Session 08.30-10.00 am
• Coffee Break 10.00-10.15 am
• Technical Session 10.15-12.15 noon
• Coffee Break 12.15-12.45 pm
• Technical Session 12.45-02.30 pm
• Course Ends 02.30 pm

Secure Your Place

Please Note : Your £250.00 Deposit will be deducted from the total invoice Amount.
To commence the registration process for your training course, please follow the link provided and proceed with; Upon successful payment, we will promptly contact you to finalize your enrollment and issue a confirmation of your guaranteed placement.

Course Outlines

Week 1

Day One

* Principles of effective communication
* Understanding Human Behavior and rapport building
* Barriers to effective communication
* Communication styles

Communication Models
* Symbolic Communication
* Symbolic Activities
* Verbal Communication
* Verbal Activities
* Nonverbal Communication
* * Ambulating
* * Touching
* * Eye contact
* * Posturing
* * Tics
* * Sub-vocals
* * Distancing
* * Gesturing
* * Vocalism
* Nonverbal Activities
* Summary And Implications

Five Components Contributing to Effective Interpersonal Communications
* Self-Concept
* * Importance Of the Self-Concept
* * A Weak Self-Concept
* * Forming The Self-Concept
* Listening
* * The “Third Ear”
* Clarity Of Expression
* * A “Longer” Board
* Coping With Angry Feelings
* * Suppression
* * Expression
* Self-Disclosure
* * Blocks To Self-Revelation
* Dynamics Of Trust

Day Two

Verbal Communication
* Questioning skills
* The art of listening (Empathizing, Analyzing, Synthesizing)
* Encouraging others to break non-productive work behavior styles
* How your behavior affects others and vice versa
* Interpersonal Skills and Assertiveness
* Adopting an assertive approach to your relationships with others
* Being positive - avoiding personality clashes
* Building harmonious and open working relationships
* Communicating with colleagues at all levels within your organization
* Dealing with Difficult, aggressive, cynical and obstructive people
* Identifying and dealing with the underlying causes of ‘difficult behavior’
* Typical situations you may face at work and ways of dealing with them
* Dealing with situations and events rather than personalities
* Adopting an appropriate approach in a variety of situations

Cross-Cultural Interactive Preferences Profile

Day Three

* Introduction
* What is Negotiation?
* Aim of Negotiation
* How to judge Method of Negotiation?
* Phases of Negotiation
* Developing your BATNA
* Principled Negotiation
* Positional Bargaining
* How Can I negotiate if they ”Have all the power?
* A consideration of Gender Issues In Negotiation
* Her Place at The Table
* Some of the Ways Women frame
* & Conduct Negotiation
* How to plan for Commitment?
* What if they won’t Play?
* What if they use Dirty tricks?
* Don’t be a Victim ….
* Some Common tricky Tactics
* Summary of Principled Negotiation

Day Four

* The Presentation Team
* Style and Content
* Case Histories
* The Scene
* Faking it
* Technique
* Placement
* Top Ten
* Personality
* Questions and Answers
* Leave Behinds
* Reference
* Follow up

Using presentation aids
* Types of Audio Visual Aids
* Basic Guidelines for presenting Audiovisual Aids
* Creating Flip-Chart Posters
* Using Posters and Other Visual Aids
* Using power point in presentation

Day Five

Presentation project
* A work shop of the trainee choice to practice presentation skills and to be coached through Trainees project
* Modification ,
* Criticism
* Evaluation

Secure Your Place

Please Note : Your £250.00 Deposit will be deducted from the total invoice Amount.
To commence the registration process for your training course, please follow the link provided and proceed with; Upon successful payment, we will promptly contact you to finalize your enrollment and issue a confirmation of your guaranteed placement.

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